Commercial Painting

Commercial Painting Contractor in Minneapolis, Minnesota

With over three decades of industry experience, you can trust DANCO Commercial Painters for your next exterior painting job. We offer complete painting and priming services for commercial properties, retail establishments, educational facilities, and government buildings in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. We provide fast service, affordable rates, and dependable work that you can count on.

To find out more about how we can restore the look and integrity of your commercial building, contact us today at 612-598-3864.

Commercial Painting Services Available in the Twin Cities

When you hire DANCO Commercial Painters, you hire seasoned professionals who can complete your entire project from start to finish. We can sit down with you and go over colors, paint material, and overall building condition. From there, we’ll schedule a launch date and begin working. The project will be complete by deadline to your specifications.

Some of the comprehensive painting services we provide include:

  • Building Inspections: Before we begin a project, we give your property a thorough inspection to determine the full extent of what we need to do. We provide a full report of target areas that need attention and our recommendations for restoring and painting the exterior.
  • Building Restoration: We do more than just paint your building. We extensively prepare the surface of all the exterior walls to receive the new paint or coating. We pressure wash, patch holes and caulk prior to priming.
  • Prime & Paint: We apply a solid coat of primer before applying the paint. We then apply the specified finish. The new paint will restore your building’s external appearance.
  • Building Protection: DANCO's attention to detailed preparation and expert application of paint to your building will ensure that you and your investment are protected from the Minnesota weather for years to come.
  • Building Maintenance: Our technicians are dedicated to providing ongoing care and maintenance for your building long after the job is complete. We may need to do a touch up from time to time or give the exterior a good power washing.

Concrete Coating Specialists

We typically apply coatings to concrete surfaces to improve the aesthetic appeal and provide solid protection from moisture, and wind driven rain. We utilize different types of coatings including acrylic, latex, high-build masonry coating and elastomeric. We match the right type of coating with the material on your building. Our coating repels water, fills in small holes, cracks, and imperfections in your wall, and provides a smooth surface. We recommend recoating the exterior walls every three to five years, depending on your building’s exterior.

Schedule a Commercial Paint Project with DANCO

In Minneapolis and St. Paul, building owners turn to DANCO for all their commercial painting needs. Our team of painting technicians and sub-contractors have over 30 years of combined industry experience in all exterior commercial application. We paint warehouses, restaurants, hospitals, retail establishments, schools, and government facilities. We can restore and renovate your entire building’s exterior with a brand new paint job.

To schedule an initial consultation with one of our experts, call us today at 612-598-3864, or you can email us at

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