Interior Commercial Painting
Quality Commercial Interior Painting
For over 30 years, DANCO Commercial Painters has offered a wide range of painting services for commercial property owners in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the surrounding Twin Cities area. We specialize in interior painting, wall-patching, as well as quality primers and high-end finishes. We offer quality workmanship and dependable service you can trust. Our focus is large-scale structures, industrial parks, office buildings, retail establishments, schools, and government facilities.
If you are getting ready to launch a painting project, contact our expert paint crew at 612-598-3864. We can help you with all aspects of the project from design to completion.
Fast, Dependable Interior Painting Service
Is your facility in need of a paint job on the inside? Our certified and skilled painters have a wide range of painting experience in numerous commercial settings. We can help you create a unique design that promotes your brand and sets your business apart. When you hire DANCO Commercial Painters, you partner with a premier company that offers the following:
- A track record of success with many of Minneapolis’ largest companies
- Comprehensive service that covers all your needs: wall inspection, patching, caulking, pressure washing, sanding, priming, painting, and coating
- Personalized service from professionals who truly care about your building and your satisfaction
- Professionalism of the highest level. We meet deadlines, provide first-rate products, and use the most advanced technology in the industry
- A company that adheres to a strict code of honesty and integrity in all aspects of our business
How Does a New Paint Job Benefit Your Business?
All renovation projects are an investment into your business. Interior painting, however, is a visual representation of your investment that all employees and clients or customers can observe instantly. Therefore, there are numerous benefits of a new paint job, seen and unseen:
- Improves Your Property Value: If you ever decide to sell your property, a paint job can make a huge impression on buyers.
- Opportunity for Renovation: The most important element in a paint job is not the paint, but, rather, the work that goes into preparing your walls for the final coat. We can inspect your walls to see if they require any upgrades, repairs, or restoration before we commence with the job.
- Great Value for the Money: Of all the remodeling jobs you perform on your property, a paint job is one of the most cost-effective projects with a high return on investment (ROI). It will beautify your interior while protecting your walls.
Contact DANCO Commercial Painters in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Are you ready to revitalize your building’s interior? Now is the time to contact DANCO Commercial Painters. We have helped numerous business owners throughout the Twin Cities area, and we can help you. To schedule a no-hassle, free consultation, call us today at 612-598-3864, or you can email us at